Dahl- Year 4 2023 - 2024

Class Teacher Teaching Assistant
Mrs J Fildes(1).jpeg                                                                              
Mrs A Khatun.jpeg
Ms Fildes Ms Khatun

Welcome to Dahl's class page- I am excited to be your teacher this year and am looking forward to working with you all to make our year one to remember!

Our PE days are Wednesday and Thursday. Please make sure you have your PE kit in school at all times and all items of clothing and footwear are clearly labelled with your name.

I will be setting homework on Friday and this will be due back on Tuesday. It will be set on Sumdog and MyOn. You will also be given a half term learning project to complete at home. 

As you will all be required to undertake a times table test this year I will be checking you are learning them each Friday on TT Rockstars. Please spend 10 minutes each day practising them. 

You will need to make sure you bring your reading books into school each day as you may be heard read outside of your reading day. You will also be expected to bring your Ipads into school every day, fully charged and ready for using during lessons. 

Please check here for any news or information about our class. You will also be able to see photographs and updates about our learning!

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Greenfield Academy: Believe, Achieve, Succeed

Queen Street, Hyde, Cheshire, SK14 1QD

Mrs Z Neophitou: Principal

0161 368 1898
