Butterworth- Year 1 2023 - 2024

Class Teacher                                      Teaching Assistants

  Mrs C Fogg.jpeg                                                                       Mrs R Bibi.jpeg

   Mrs Fogg                              Mrs Howard                  Mrs Bibi


Welcome to Year 1 Butterworth's Class Page. My name is Mrs Fogg and I am so excited to be your teacher this year - I am sure we will have lots of fun learning new and exciting things! In Year 1 we also have our Teaching Assistants Mrs Bibi and Miss Howard. 


Our PE days are Monday and Friday. Please bring your PE bag into school on Monday and you can leave this in school until Friday, when you can take it home to be washed. Please make sure you bring the correct PE kit in each week with all items labeled with your name. 


You MUST bring your book bag into school every day so an adult can read with you on your reading day, and any extra days if there is an opportunity. Please complete your reading book and comprehension questions on Phonics Bug each week which can be found in your Phonics Bug library. 

I will set your homework on Friday and this needs to be returned on Tuesday. You will also be given an exciting Home Learning project each half term to help you with your learning. 

Please check here for any news or information about our class. You will also be able to see photographs and updates about our learning!

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Greenfield Academy: Believe, Achieve, Succeed

Queen Street, Hyde, Cheshire, SK14 1QD

Mrs Z Neophitou: Principal

0161 368 1898
